Privacy Policy

<WAFOUR CO., Ltd. (Wafour Corporation: Developer Name- Wafour English)> (hereinafter referred to as ¡°Company¡±) operates the Lockscreen English Dictionary (the ¡°Service¡±).

This Privacy Policy informs users of Company¡¯s policies regarding the collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information when using Company¡¯s [Lockscreen English Dictionary] Service

The Company will not use or share the Personal Information of users with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy.

The Company uses users¡¯ Personal Information to provide and improve the Service. By using the Service, users agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this policy.


1. Information Collection

(1) When using the [Lockscreen English Dictionary] Service, the Company may collect the following Personal Information about the user. 

- Location Information


- GAID(Google Advertising ID)

(2) The methods used for collecting Personal Information are as follows:

- Retrieval of mobile phone status information (READ_PHONE_STATE).

- Android API (GPS, ADID, GAID)


2. Use of Collected Information

The Company uses the collected information for the following purposes:

- When the user makes a phone call, it checks the call status to suspend app execution and avoid interference with the call.

- The Company shares the collected information with its partners to enable them to provide relevant advertisements.

- The Company may collect location information to provide users with location-based services (such as weather information and air quality)


3. Information Sharing and Disclosure

The Company will not disclose the user¡¯s Personal Information to third parties without the user¡¯s separate consent, except as stipulated by law.


4. Cookies and Similar Technologies

(1) Cookies

- The Lockscreen English Dictionary Service does not use/collect Personal Information automatic collection devices (cookies)

(2) Advertising Identifier 

- The Company may collect the user¡¯s ADID/IDFA. ADID/IDFA refers to the advertising identifier for mobile app users, and it may be collected to provide personalized advertisements to users.

Method of Refusal

  Android: Settings > Google > Ads > Uncheck the option for Ad personalization

  IOS: Settings > Privacy & Security > Apple Advertising > Uncheck ¡°Personalized Ads¡±


5. User¡¯s Rights

Users or their legal representatives may exercise the following rights regarding the collection, use and sharing of Personal Information by the Company

- Exercise the right to access Personal Information

- Request corrections or deletion

- Request temporary suspension of the treatment of Personal Information or withdraw consent.


In order to exercise the above rights, users can contact the Company at [email protected]. The Company will take measures without delay; however, the Company may reject the request to the extent that there is either a proper cause as prescribed by the laws or an equivalent cause. 


6. Security

The Company takes the security of users¡¯ data very seriously. The Company has implemented physical, electronic, and managerial procedures intended to protect the user¡¯s data.

However, please be aware that no method of transmission over the internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure and the Company is unable to guarantee the absolute security of the Personal Information the Company have collected from the User.


7. Links to Third-Party Websites

This Service may contain links to other websites. The Company is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of other websites. The Company encourages users to be aware of the privacy policies of other websites they visit. Any time the users click on a link (including advertising banners) or submit their Personal Information to a third-party website, the user will be subject to that third party¡¯s privacy policies.


8. Children¡¯s Privacy

The Company does not knowingly collect Personal Information from Children under 13. If a parent or guardian becomes aware that his or her child has provided the Company with Personal Information without their consent, please contact the Company and the Company will take steps to remove that information from the Company¡¯s servers.


9. California Privacy Rights

California residents that have an established business relationship with the Company can request a notice disclosing the categories of Personal Information the Company have shared with third parties during the preceding calendar year for the third parties¡¯ direct marketing purposes. To make such a request from the Company, if entitled, please use the contact information listed below.

If the user is under 18 years of age and a California resident using the Service, at any time the user can request the Company to remove content that the user have provided or posted. Please contact the Company at the information below for assistance, including to request removal of the user¡¯s information or content. Note that the removal of information or content may not ensure complete or comprehensive removal of that information or content posted through the Service.


10. Changes to this Privacy Policy

The Company may update its Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in the Company¡¯s practices. The Company will notify the user of any changes by posing the new Privacy Policy on this page. The user is advised to review this page periodically for any changes. The date the Privacy Policy is last modified is identified at the bottom of the Policy.    


11. Contact Information

To ask questions or comment about this Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact the Company at [email protected]


Last modified on November 20, 2023