Elevate ad efficiency
with high-quality ads!

Low fees

Highly recommended for earning revenue

Enter the global market with WAD’s SDK

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Elevate ad efficiency
with high-quality ads!

Low fees

Highly recommended for earning revenue

Enter the global market with WAD’s SDK

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High Quality

More Efficient

Low Cost


WAD Exchange


WAD Client

High Quality

More Efficient

Low Cost


WAD Exchange


WAD Client

Success story

Fortune God

Fortune God is a fortune telling app that provides daily fortune, tarot, and 1:1 phone consultation services. With over 10 million downloads, the number of Ad requests is failrly high. We have integrated many SDKs but due to low fill rates, low eCPM, and complex management system, there have been several operational issues. However, after integrating WAD’s SDK, managing became much easier and sales have increased significantly.
Highly recommended for publishers looking to earn high revenue from ads.

Success story

Fortune God

Fortune God is a fortune telling app that provides daily fortune, tarot, and 1:1 phone consultation services. With over 10 million downloads, the number of Ad requests is failrly high. We have integrated many SDKs but due to low fill rates, low eCPM, and complex management system, there have been several operational issues. However, after integrating WAD’s SDK, managing became much easier and sales have increased significantly.
Highly recommended for publishers looking to earn high revenue from ads.

AD Formats

Banner Ads

An ad format that is placed at the top and botton of the ad area in the mobile application.


Interstitial Ads

Full screen ads that cover the interface of the application.
They are typically displayed during the pause between game levels or activities within the app.


Native Ads

Ad ad format that is designed to match the content of the application and can be customized by app developers.


Web Ads

An ad format that is displayed on the mobile web.
